What We Do

IEJ conducts research, provides policy analysis, and facilitates dialogue to advance concrete policy pathways towards energy justice. We partner with frontline organizing groups and allies who are striving for universal access to affordable, renewable, and democratically managed energy.

Policy Research and Resource Development

Conducting research to inform the development of a range of resources, such as policy tools and best practices, accessible to both policy advocates and policymakers

  • Core Law, Policy, and Regulatory Research: Conducting research in partnership with a diverse set of scholars, frontline energy justice leaders, social justice advocates, and civil rights organizations
  • Resource Development and Translation: Translating core research into a range of resources, accessible to advocates and policymakers

Engagement and Capacity Building with Advocates and Policymakers

Collaborating with stakeholders to design and apply IEJ research, resources, and model policies

  • Workshops & Convenings for Advocates: Working with frontline organizations and leaders to collaborate on and co-design the translation of movement goals into IEJ’s resources and tools
  • Train the Trainer Program: Building legal and technical capacity in frontline organizations for engagement in legislative and policy activities at the local and state levels
  • Workshops & Trainings for Policymakers: Convening key policymakers, in collaboration with allied leaders and organizations, to share best practices and model policies

Energy Justice Leadership Development

Building the field of energy justice professionals and leaders

  • Legal & Policy Fellows Program: Delivering a full-time legal & policy fellows program to employ and train top law school graduates, as well as graduates from other programs, to support IEJ research and engagement efforts
  • Student Program:  Training students on energy justice by engaging them in research and policy projects


We cultivate and sustain partnerships with frontline organizing groups and allied advocacy organizations, staying in sync with their organizing and advocacy priorities.


We use a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods, such as community-based participatory research, that value genuine and meaningful relationships with frontline communities and organizing groups.


We facilitate dialogue among frontline organizing groups and allied advocacy organizations to coordinate strategy, share policy analysis, and build capacity for energy justice advocacy.