The Initiative for Energy Justice and Vote Solar Release Report: Amp Up the People—A Practical Guide for Energy Justice Advocates in Utility Regulation

Boston, MA – September 9, 2024 – The Initiative for Energy Justice (IEJ) and Vote Solar released their co-authored report, Amp Up the People: A Practical Guide for Energy Justice Advocates in Utility Regulation. This guide is designed to empower communities and advocates on the frontlines of the energy justice movement with the knowledge and tools they need to influence utility regulation and advance equitable energy policies. This guide follows on IEJ’s Utilities 101 that describes the basics of the current electricity landscape in the U.S. 

As the clean energy transition accelerates, the role of state-level regulatory bodies, particularly Public Utility Commissions (PUCs), has never been more critical. These entities make decisions that affect energy affordability, access to renewable energy, and the overall sustainability of the energy sector. However, the complexity and technical nature of utility regulation often create barriers to meaningful public participation, particularly for frontline communities disproportionately impacted by energy injustices.

Amp Up the People breaks down the intricacies of utility regulation, offering practical advice on how to navigate the regulatory system, engage in PUC proceedings, and advocate for policies that promote justice, equity, and sustainability in the energy sector. The guide covers essential topics such as rate cases, energy affordability, renewable portfolio standards, and utility shutoffs for nonpayment, providing advocates with the information they need to effectively participate in regulatory processes.

“We believe that energy justice must be at the core of the clean energy transition,” said Kelly Sheehan, Co-Executive Director of the Initiative for Energy Justice. “This guide is a vital resource for ensuring that the voices of those most affected by energy policies are heard and that their needs are prioritized in decision-making processes.”

The report also highlights two case studies from Colorado and Michigan, showcasing how energy justice advocates have successfully intervened in PUC proceedings to protect the interests of low-income communities and advance equitable clean energy policies.

“Utility Commissions are where many of the most important decisions about our energy transition are made—decisions that impact everything from energy affordability to access to clean energy – but they’re also generally difficult places to engage,” said Greer Ryan, Regulatory Director for Education + Innovation at Vote Solar. “Amp Up the People was created to help change that by demystifying Commission processes and giving advocates the tools they need to engage in these spaces.”

For more information about the report or to request interviews, please contact Uche O. Ajene, Associate Communications Director at the Initiative for Energy Justice, at


About the Initiative for Energy Justice:
The Initiative for Energy Justice conducts research, provides policy analysis, and facilitates dialogue to advance concrete policy pathways toward energy justice. IEJ partners with frontline organizing groups and allies who are striving for universal access to affordable, renewable, and democratically managed energy. For more detailed findings and recommendations, visit

About Vote Solar:
Vote Solar is an energy justice non-profit working towards a 100% clean energy future by bringing solar to the mainstream. Founded in 2002, Vote Solar advocates for clean energy in legislative and regulatory arenas at the state level, where most decisions about electricity are made. Despite powerful opposition, we use a winning combination of deep policy expertise, coalition building, and public engagement to get the job done.