Learn about the effects of California’s wildfire-related public safety power shutoffs on vulnerable populations and the deficiencies in data reporting.
Learn about the effects of California’s wildfire-related public safety power shutoffs on vulnerable populations and the deficiencies in data reporting.
The first policy brief, California Power Shutoffs: Deficiencies in Data and Reporting, provides an overview of the data available in connection with the 2019 shutoff events and recommends that the CPUC modify utility reporting requirements to allow for the study of equity impacts and the design of adequate policy responses.
The second policy brief, California’s Wildfire Risk and Growing Energy Insecurity: Policy Recommendations for Energy Resilience in Vulnerable Populations,* offers a set of policy and program changes to enhance the identification of medically vulnerable residents and increase access to resilient power systems in the populations that need it most. These energy justice-focused recommendations also provide a framework for equity-centered energy decision making in the state as the deeply inequitable climate crisis unfolds.
You can also access an accompanying pre-recorded webinar hosted by IEJ here.
*Update 1/5/2021: The December 2020 version of the California’s Wildfire Risk and Growing Energy Insecurity: Policy Recommendations for Energy Resilience in Vulnerable Populations policy brief contained a typographical error that incorrectly described the SGIP-Equity and SGIP-Equity Resilience eligibility criteria for non-residential applicants. The current version contains the correction.